Autumn News Update 2022
Grey May, Scholarships, Clinical trials and more...

Please Donate to Brain Tumour Research this Grey May
As you may know, brain cancer is sadly one of the deadliest killers in Australia, and it has the lowest survival rate of all cancers for Australians aged under 40 years. Brain tumours affect thousands of Australians, and even if they are benign, their impact is still dreadful and has terrible affects on patients and their ability to live their everyday lives.
As the NRF Chair of Brain Tumour Research and the head of the Molecular Therapeutics Laboratory at the Centre for Cancer Biology, where we conduct brain tumour research, I directly see how our researchers work is supported by donations from NRF supporters like you. I would like to thank you for your commitment and dedication to finding better treatments, new medications and eventually a cure.
Here at the NRF we have asked our brain tumour patients and their families how we can best help them. As a result, we have organised a host of online events and seminars to support patients and their families.
Read the full story in the newsletter article HERE
I specifically encourage you to please donate and even consider fundraising in Grey May the brain tumour awareness month and make a difference:
Please visit Grey May in events
I am also very proud to have recently launched Brain Tumour Research SA which was established to enhance research into the cause, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of brain tumours. Brain Tumour Research SA which was established by the SA research community and the NRF to enhance researcher-researcher and researcher-clinician interaction and collaboration in SA in the brain tumour space.
Please know that your donations are crucial and life changing. Donating to the NRF directly supports the innovative work our researchers are undertaking in our laboratories at all three universities in South Australia. In fact, researcher Tessa Gargett’s paediatric brain cancer research is about to commence human clinical trials at the Sydney Children’s Hospital. Read on to find out more.
Thank you,
Prof Stuart Pitson | NRF Chair of Brain Tumour Research
P.S When you give to the NRF I can guarantee that 100% of your donation will fund the BEST independent research in SA.