Congratulations to the NRF brain tumour research grant and scholarship recipients in 2022
Monday 23 January 2023

What an inspiring afternoon! Congratulations to all the amazing NRF brain tumour research grant and scholarship recipients that were presented their awards at today's afternoon tea at the University of South Australia
- Annaliese Thompson - Inaugural Strong Enough To Live Research PhD Scholarship
- Chloe Shard - Chris Adams UniSA Research Grant
- Kevin HE - Richard Buttery NRF Glioblastoma Research Vacation Scholarship
- Kieran Benn - NRF Research Vacation Scholarship
- Ishika Mahajan - NRF Research Vacation Scholarship
A huge thank you to the Buttery and Adams' families for their incredible dedicated ongoing fundraising efforts, and all the generous individuals that support the NRF to make these awards possible.
Chloe Shard treated attendees to a wonderful presentation on her fascinating work on glioblastoma microenvironments and metabolomics, followed by a tour of the UniSA Centre for Cancer Biology lab.
Congratulations to all our recipients, we can't wait to see the incredible impact you are going to have in the field of brain tumour research!